
Here are the words from the story and some more on the same topics. The vocabulary lists always show:
  • the word, singular and plural
  • the pronunciation
  • the part of speech
  • the definition
  • an example
Sometimes you also find synonyms or antonyms:
  • A synonym is a word that has the same meaning.
  • An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning.
At the end of each list, you can practise the words with our vocabulary trainer. First, choose the information that you want to be displayed. Then choose if you want to enter the word or the translation. Press "start" and write the solution into the box. Finally, press "enter" to get feedback.
In this unit you learn words from the following categories:

Word List: Basic words part 2 - list 1

    • ready, readier, readiest[ˈɹɛdi](adjective)
    • Definition:
      • prepared for immediate action or use
    • Example:
      • I am ready to go.
    • inside[ˈinˈsīd](adverb)
    • Definition:
      • within or towards the interior of something, especially a building
    • Example:
      • Let's go inside, it's getting cold out here.
      • Antonym(s):
    • outside[ˌaʊtˈsaɪd](adverb)
    • Definition:
      • outdoors, not inside
    • Example:
      • We stayed outside the whole night.
      • Antonym(s):
    • huge, huger, hugest[(h)yoōj](adjective)
    • Definition:
      • very large
    • Example:
      • My new bed is huge.
    • alone, more alone, most alone[əˈləʊn](adjective)
    • Definition:
      • by one's self, solo, without others
    • Example:
      • Leave me alone, please.
    • open[ˈəʊ.pən](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to make something accessible
    • Example:
      • Open the door, please.
      • Antonym(s):
    • close[kləʊz](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to obstruct an opening, to put an end to something
    • Example:
      • Could you close the window? It's too windy.
      • Antonym(s):
    • enter[ˈentə](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to go into something
    • Example:
      • They enter the house.
      • Antonym(s):
    • look[lʊk](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to try to see, to pay attention to something with one’s eyes
    • Example:
      • Look at my new car!
    • look around(verb)
    • Example:
      • They look around their new home.
    • show[ʃəʊ](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to display, to have somebody see something, to demonstrate
    • Example:
      • Can you show me your room?
    • become, became, become[bɪˈkʌm](irregular verb)
    • Definition:
      • to begin to be, to come to be, to turn into
    • Example:
      • She became a doctor when she was 25.
    • must, had to, had to[mʌst](irregular verb)
    • Definition:
      • to do as a requirement
    • Example:
      • You must go to bed now, it's late.
    • hurry[hərē](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to do things quickly
    • Example:
      • You must hurry, we are already late.
    • have, had, had[hæv](irregular verb)
    • Definition:
      • to possess, to hold, to own
    • Example:
      • I have a new car!
    • like[laɪk](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to enjoy, to prefer, to be in favor of something
    • Example:
      • I like your friend very much.
    • love[lʌv](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to have a strong affection for someone or something
    • Example:
      • I love you!
      • Antonym(s):
    • hate[heɪt](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to dislike intensely, to feel strong hostility towards someone or something
    • Example:
      • I hate coffee. Can I have tea?
      • Antonym(s):
    • enjoy[ɛnˈdʒɔɪ](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something
    • Example:
      • She enjoys dancing.
    • leave, left, left[liːv](irregular verb)
    • Definition:
      • to depart from somewhere
    • Example:
      • I leave in about one hour.
    • call[kɔːɫ](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to shout; to contact by pohne
    • Example:
      • Can I call you later?

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Word List: Numbers

    • one[wʌn](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 1
    • Example:
      • I only have one class this morning.
    • two[tuː](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 2
    • Example:
      • You have two hands.
    • three[θɹiː](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 3
    • Example:
      • I invited three people to have dinner with us.
    • four[fɔː](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 4
    • Example:
      • There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
    • five[faɪv](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 5
    • Example:
      • There are five fingers on each hand.
    • six[sɪks](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 6
    • Example:
      • Six months are half of the year.
    • seven[ˈsɛv.ən](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 7
    • Example:
      • The mother reads "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" to her child.
    • eight[eɪt](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 8
    • Example:
      • She works eight hours a day.
    • nine[naɪn](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 9
    • Example:
      • A cat has nine lives.
    • ten[tɛn](miscellaneous)
    • Definition:
      • 10
    • Example:
      • All in all, you have ten fingers.

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Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct numbers. Write the numerals (one, two, three, four, …), NOT the digits (1, 2, 3, 4, …) into the gaps!
  • four-girls
    There are girls in this picture.
  • pilot
    There is pilot in this picture.
  • two-boys
    There are boys in this picture.
  • one-plane
    There is plane in the picture.
  • three-cars
    There are cars in the picture.

Word List: The house

  • house
    • house, houses[haʊs](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a structure where people live and/or work in
    • Example:
      • This is my family's house.
    • home, homes[həʊm](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the house or structure one lives in (with the family)
    • Example:
      • Let's go home, I am tired.
    • at home(Chunk)
    • Example:
      • Let's stay at home tonight and watch a movie.
  • garden
    • garden, gardens[ˈɡɑːrdən](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a decorative place outside the house, usually where plants are grown for food
    • Example:
      • We have a small garden at the back of our house.
  • garage
    • garage, garages[ˈgæˌɹɪdʒ](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a section of a building used to store a car, tools and other items
    • Example:
      • Our bikes are in the garage.
  • window
    • window, windows[ˈwɪndəʊ](noun)
    • Definition:
      • an opening usually covered by glass to allow light and air from outside to enter a building or vehicle
    • Example:
      • It is so warm in here, could you open the window?
  • key
    • key, keys[kiː](noun)
    • Definition:
      • an object designed to open and close a lock/a door
    • Example:
      • Here's the key to open the door.
  • ceiling
    • ceiling, ceilings[ˈsēli ng](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the planes that bound the upper limit of a room
    • Example:
      • Let's paint the ceiling white.
      • Antonym(s):
  • floor
    • floor, floors[flɔː](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the bottom or lower part of a room
    • Example:
      • The room has a wooden floor.
      • Antonym(s):
  • wall
    • wall, walls[wɔːl](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a side of the room, usually out of stone or wood
    • Example:
      • A room usually has 4 walls.
  • stairs
    • stairs[ste(ə)rz](uncountable noun)
    • Definition:
      • a set of steps connecting two floors
    • Example:
      • They ran up the stairs.
  • step
    • step, steps[stɛp](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a part of the stairs where you put your foot on when walking
    • Example:
      • Go on the first step of the stairs.
  • roof
    • roof, rooves[roōf](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the cover at the top of a building
    • Example:
      • We need a new roof.

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Word List: Rooms basics

  • room
    • room, rooms[ru:m](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling
    • Example:
      • Go to your room!
      • Synonym(s):
  • living room
    • living room, living rooms(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a room used for social and leisure activities like watching tv or playing a game
    • Example:
      • The children play in the living room.
  • bedroom
    • bedroom, bedrooms[ˈbedˌroōm](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping
    • Example:
      • This is my bedroom!
  • kitchen
    • kitchen, kitchens[ˈkɪtʃən](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the room for preparing food
    • Example:
      • Mum is in the kitchen preparing lunch.
  • bathroom
    • bathroom, bathrooms[ˈbɑːθɹuːm](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a room containing a bath and a toilet
    • Example:
      • We have 2 bathrooms in the house.

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Word List: Furniture

  • furniture
    • furniture[ˈfɜːnɪtʃə](uncountable noun)
    • Definition:
      • items in a room that enhance the room's characteristics, functionally and/or decoratively
    • Example:
      • Look at all the beautiful new furniture in our living room!
  • armchair
    • armchair, armchairs[ˈärmˌ ch e(ə)r](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a comfortable chair with support for the arms
    • Example:
      • I love to sit on the armchair, it's so comfortable!
  • chair
    • chair, chairs[tʃɛə(ɹ)](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a piece of furniture to sit on, for use by one person
    • Example:
      • I always sit on the same chair at dinner.
  • table
    • table, tables[ˈteɪbəl](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a piece of furniture with a flat top surface raised above the ground, usually on 4 legs
    • Example:
      • Sit down at the table please, it's time to eat.
  • shelf
    • shelf, shelves[ʃɛlf](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a flat structure, fixed to a wall and used to support, store or display objects
    • Example:
      • We can put some books on the shelf.
  • cupboard
    • cupboard, cupboards[ˈkʌb.əd](noun)
    • Definition:
      • an enclosed storage space with a door, usually having shelves, used to store crockery, food, etc.
    • Example:
      • Could you take the plates out of the cupboard?
  • wardrobe
    • wardrobe, wardrobes[ˈwôrˌdrōb](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a piece of furniture in which clothes can be stored (usually in the bedroom)
    • Example:
      • I need a big wardrobe for all my clothes!
  • bed
    • bed, beds[bed](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a piece of furniture, usually flat and soft, to sleep on
    • Example:
      • I usually go to bed at 9 pm.
  • couch
    • couch, chouches[kaʊtʃ](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a piece of furniture for the comfortable seating of more than one person
    • Example:
      • When we watch TV, we sit on the couch.
What do you see in the pictures? Match them with the vocabulary via Drag and Drop.
  • cupboard
  • armchair
  • chair
  • bedroom
  • table
  • chair
  • armchair
  • table
  • cupboard
  • bed

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You learned a lot of new vocabulary! Try to remember it.
