At London Heathrow airport


Before you listen:

Read the headline. What is the story about?
  • This part of the story is about
    • the Fernandez family leaving Germany.
    • the Fernandez family arriving at the airport in England.
    • the Fernandez family seeing their new house.

While you listen:

Listen to the text. Which phrase fits in the gap? Check the correct button.
  1.   are you two?
    • How old
    • What age
  2. I am 11 years   and Pedro is 15 years old
    • old
    • young
  3. Really? And now you are in England.   excited?
    • Is he
    • Are you
  4. He and Maria originally come   Brazil!
    • from
    • out of

At the airport

Hi, are you the Fernandez family?
Yes, we are!
Hi, my name is Dave Miller. I am one of your colleagues at Filton airport. Welcome to England!
Thank you, Dave. It's nice to meet you! Dave, this is my wife, Maria Fernandez.
Hello, nice to meet you. This is my son Pedro and this is Andreas' daughter Anna.
Hi Pedro, hi Anna. How was the flight?
The flight was great!
How old are you two?
I am 11 years old and Pedro is 15 years old. He and Maria originally come from Brazil!
Really? And now you are in England. Are you excited?
Yes, of course!
England is a great country! Now let's go and see your new home! My car is outside.

After you listened:

Fill in the gaps with the missing words from the story.
  1. Hi Pedro, hi Anna. was the flight?
  2. Hello, nice to meet you. This is my Pedro and this is Andreas' Anna.
  3. Hi, my is Dave Miller. I am one of your colleagues at the Filton airport. Welcome to ⁠!
  4. The flight was ⁠!
  5. Thank you, Dave. It's nice to meet you! Dave, is my wife, Maria Fernandez.
  6. Hi, you the Fernandez family?
Test if you understood this part of the story. Complete the sentences.
  1. They all go to Dave's car because
    • he will drive them to a shop.
    • he will drive them to their new home.
  2. The Fernandez family has just arrived in England because
    • they are going on a holiday.
    • they are moving to England.
  3. Dave Miller is
    • a taxi driver.
    • one of Andreas' colleagues at Filton airport.

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