| medical care for an illness or injury |
| to apply medical care to someone |
| when a doctor checks a person's condition thoroughly |
| a doctor's consulting room |
| a room in a surgery for people to wait for their doctor to see them |
| the time in which the surgery is open for people to come and see the doctor |
| a person who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person |
| to become aware of something through the skin; to experience an emotion |
| |
| not good; not in good health |
treatment, treatments(noun)
- medical care for an illness or injury
- A treatment or cure is applied after a medical problem has already started.
- to apply medical care to someone
- They treated me for malaria.
check-up, check-ups(noun)
- when a doctor checks a person's condition thoroughly
- The check-up showed that everything was alright.
surgery, surgeries[ˈsɜːdʒəri](noun)
- a doctor's consulting room
- I dropped in at the surgery as I was passing to pick up my prescription.
waiting room, waiting rooms(noun)
- a room in a surgery for people to wait for their doctor to see them
- Around ten people were sitting in the waiting room.
surgery hour, surgery hours(noun)
- the time in which the surgery is open for people to come and see the doctor
- Surgery hours are every weekday from 8 till 12.
- a person who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person
- The doctor has many regular patients.
feel, felt, felt[fiːl](irregular verb)
- to become aware of something through the skin; to experience an emotion
- You can feel a heartbeat if you put your fingers on your breast.
- I had been sick, but now I'm well.
- After some months of sickness I'm finally well again.
- I had to throw up yesterday and I'm still not well today.
- I feel so good after a hot bubblebath.
- not good; not in good health
- I feel so bad because I forgot our date.
Enter the correct word in the text box and then confirm your entry. If you make a mistake, the word will be repeated automatically! Learn with pictures and examples by customizing the vocabulary trainer to fit your needs.
Keyboard shortcuts: Enter: Check / Go to next question | Alt+1: Hint | Alt+2: Solution
Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
treatment |
treat |
surgery |
patient |
feel |
well |
bad |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0patient | |
waiting room | |
check-up | |
surgery | |
surgery hour | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0feel | to become aware of something through the skin; to experience an emotion |
surgery | a doctor's consulting room |
feel good |
well | in good health |
surgery hour | the time in which the surgery is open for people to come and see the doctor |
bad | not good; not in good health |
treatment | medical care for an illness or injury |
be not well |
check-up | when a doctor checks a person's condition thoroughly |
be well |
patient | a person who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person |
waiting room | a room in a surgery for people to wait for their doctor to see them |
treat | to apply medical care to someone |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | a person who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person |
| a room in a surgery for people to wait for their doctor to see them |
| when a doctor checks a person's condition thoroughly |
| the time in which the surgery is open for people to come and see the doctor |
| a doctor's consulting room |
| to cause physical pain and/or injury; to cause (somebody) emotional pain |
| a pain or ache in a tooth |
| |
| |
| a pain in the middle or inner ear |
| a pain in the abdomen, often caused by indigestion, usually being lower than the stomach and related to the intestines |
| to check the health or condition of someone |
| |
| to physically rotate horizontally 180 or 360 degrees |
| to be in a horizontal position |
| to assume a horizontal position |
| to rise from a lying or sitting position |
hurt, hurt, hurt[hɜːt](irregular verb)
- to cause physical pain and/or injury; to cause (somebody) emotional pain
- Does your leg still hurt?
toothache, toothaches[ˈtuθˌe(ɪ)k](noun)
- a pain or ache in a tooth
- He went to the dentist because he had a really bad toothache.
headache, headaches[ˈhɛde(ɪ)k](noun)
- The noise caused a bad headache.
backache, backaches[ˈbæke(ɪ)k](noun)
- The old man could barely walk because of his backache.
earache, earaches[ˈijɹe(i)k](noun)
- a pain in the middle or inner ear
- The little girl is suffering from earache.
stomachache, stomachaches[ˈstʌməke(ɪ)k](noun)
- a pain in the abdomen, often caused by indigestion, usually being lower than the stomach and related to the intestines
- She's complaining about a bad stomachache.
- to check the health or condition of someone
- The doctor examined the patient.
turn around(phrasal verb)
- to physically rotate horizontally 180 or 360 degrees
- Turn around so I can see the back of your new dress.
lie, lay, laid[laɪ̯](irregular verb)
- to be in a horizontal position
- The patients usually lie on the divan bed during the check-up.
- to assume a horizontal position
- Lie down on the bed until you feel better.
stand up, stood up, stood up(phrasal verb)
- to rise from a lying or sitting position
- Stand up, then sit down again.
Enter the correct word in the text box and then confirm your entry. If you make a mistake, the word will be repeated automatically! Learn with pictures and examples by customizing the vocabulary trainer to fit your needs.
Keyboard shortcuts: Enter: Check / Go to next question | Alt+1: Hint | Alt+2: Solution
Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
hurt |
toothache |
headache |
backache |
earache |
stomachache |
examine |
lie |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0backache | |
examine | |
headache | |
lie | |
toothache | |
stomachache | |
hurt | |
take off | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0backache | any pain in the back |
lie | to be in a horizontal position |
lie down | to assume a horizontal position |
earache | a pain in the middle or inner ear |
stand up | to rise from a lying or sitting position |
turn around | to physically rotate horizontally 180 or 360 degrees |
take off | to remove one's clothing |
hurt | to cause physical pain and/or injury; to cause (somebody) emotional pain |
headache | a pain in the head |
examine | to check the health or condition of someone |
stomachache | a pain in the abdomen, often caused by indigestion, usually being lower than the stomach and related to the intestines |
toothache | a pain or ache in a tooth |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | to check the health or condition of someone |
| a pain or ache in a tooth |
| to remove one's clothing |
| to be in a horizontal position |
| a pain in the abdomen, often caused by indigestion, usually being lower than the stomach and related to the intestines |
| to cause physical pain and/or injury; to cause (somebody) emotional pain |
| a pain in the head |
| any pain in the back |
| sensitive or painful to touch |
| a session in which something is examined under a certain condition |
| a serologic analysis of a sample of blood |
| something pushed or pumped intravenously or intramuscularly by use of a syringe and a needle into someone's body |
| the administration of antigenic material (a vaccine) to produce immunity to a disease |
| a written order, as by a physician, for the administration of a medicine or other intervention |
| to order a drug or medical device for use by a particular patient |
| a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
| a person who works at a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
| a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally, usually of roughly cylindrical shape, often coated to prolong dissolution or ease swallowing |
| a substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose; a substance, often addictive, which affects the central nervous system |
| a substance that is very harmful or lethal to a living organism |
| containing sufficient poison to be dangerous |
- sensitive or painful to touch
- Be careful, that area is tender.
- Due to a rash I've got some tender spots on my arms.
- a session in which something is examined under a certain condition
- The woman received the results of her HIV test.
blood test, blood tests(noun)
- a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
- The treatment requires a preliminary blood test.
injection, injections[ɪnˈʤɛktʃən](noun)
- something pushed or pumped intravenously or intramuscularly by use of a syringe and a needle into someone's body
- She's really afraid of injections.
vaccination[ˌvæk.sɪˈneɪ.ʃən](uncountable noun)
- the administration of antigenic material (a vaccine) to produce immunity to a disease
- Vaccination is generally considered to be the most effective and cost-effective method of preventing infectious diseases.
prescription, prescriptions(noun)
- a written order, as by a physician, for the administration of a medicine or other intervention
- The surgeon wrote a prescription for a pain killer and physical therapy.
- to order a drug or medical device for use by a particular patient
- The doctor prescribed John a set of pills.
chemist's, chemists'(noun)
- a place where prescription drugs are dispensed
- Sue needs to go to the chemist's to get her medicine.
chemist, chemists[ˈkɛmɪst](noun)
- a person who works at a place where prescription drugs are dispensed
- The chemist couldn't find the medicine the man was asking for.
- a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally, usually of roughly cylindrical shape, often coated to prolong dissolution or ease swallowing
- Take two pills every hour.
- a substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose; a substance, often addictive, which affects the central nervous system
- Aspirin is a drug that reduces pain, acts against inflammation and lowers body temperature.
poison, poisons[ˈpɔɪz(ə)n](noun)
- a substance that is very harmful or lethal to a living organism
- We used a poison to kill the weeds.
- containing sufficient poison to be dangerous
- Certain mushrooms are not edible because they are poisonous.
Enter the correct word in the text box and then confirm your entry. If you make a mistake, the word will be repeated automatically! Learn with pictures and examples by customizing the vocabulary trainer to fit your needs.
Keyboard shortcuts: Enter: Check / Go to next question | Alt+1: Hint | Alt+2: Solution
Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
tender |
test |
injection |
vaccination |
prescription |
prescribe |
chemist |
pill |
drug |
poison |
poisonous |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0prescribe | |
vaccination | |
pill | |
injection | |
blood test | |
test | |
drug | |
chemist's | |
chemist | |
prescription | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0chemist | a person who works at a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
pill | a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally, usually of roughly cylindrical shape, often coated to prolong dissolution or ease swallowing |
vaccination | the administration of antigenic material (a vaccine) to produce immunity to a disease |
poisonous | containing sufficient poison to be dangerous |
poison | a substance that is very harmful or lethal to a living organism |
prescription | a written order, as by a physician, for the administration of a medicine or other intervention |
blood test | a serologic analysis of a sample of blood |
chemist's | a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
prescribe | to order a drug or medical device for use by a particular patient |
injection | something pushed or pumped intravenously or intramuscularly by use of a syringe and a needle into someone's body |
tender | sensitive or painful to touch |
tender spot |
test | a session in which something is examined under a certain condition |
drug | a substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose; a substance, often addictive, which affects the central nervous system |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | a serologic analysis of a sample of blood |
| a substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose; a substance, often addictive, which affects the central nervous system |
| the administration of antigenic material (a vaccine) to produce immunity to a disease |
| a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally, usually of roughly cylindrical shape, often coated to prolong dissolution or ease swallowing |
| to order a drug or medical device for use by a particular patient |
| a written order, as by a physician, for the administration of a medicine or other intervention |
| a person who works at a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
| something pushed or pumped intravenously or intramuscularly by use of a syringe and a needle into someone's body |
| a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
| a session in which something is examined under a certain condition |
| a medical doctor who specialises in treating teeth |
| a medical assistant who works at a dentist's office |
| to make something accessible |
| to create a hole in teeth by removing material with a special tool |
| to treat a tooth by adding a dental filling to it |
- a medical doctor who specialises in treating teeth
- Because of a toothache he urgently needs to go to the dentist.
dentist's assistant, dentist's assistants(noun)
- a medical assistant who works at a dentist's office
- Four female dentist's assistants work at this dentist.
- to make something accessible
- Turn the doorknob to open the door.
- Please open your mouth so I can check your teeth.
- to create a hole in teeth by removing material with a special tool
- The dentist unfortunately had to drill because of too many caries.
- to treat a tooth by adding a dental filling to it
- I'm sorry but the hole in your tooth needs to be filled.
Enter the correct word in the text box and then confirm your entry. If you make a mistake, the word will be repeated automatically! Learn with pictures and examples by customizing the vocabulary trainer to fit your needs.
Keyboard shortcuts: Enter: Check / Go to next question | Alt+1: Hint | Alt+2: Solution
Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0dentist's assistant | |
open one's mouth | |
dentist | |
drill | |
open | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0dentist's assistant | a medical assistant who works at a dentist's office |
open | to make something accessible |
fill | to treat a tooth by adding a dental filling to it |
dentist | a medical doctor who specialises in treating teeth |
drill | to create a hole in teeth by removing material with a special tool |
open one's mouth |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | to make something accessible |
| a medical assistant who works at a dentist's office |
| a medical doctor who specialises in treating teeth |
| to create a hole in teeth by removing material with a special tool |