| a collective term for the print based media (both the people and the newspapers) |
| a collective term for the sensationalist tabloid newspapers |
| a publication, usually published daily or weekly and usually printed on cheap, low-quality paper, containing news and other articles |
| a newspaper that publishes things in and about a certain region |
| a newspaper which publishes national events |
| a newspaper which is published daily |
| a newspaper which comes out once a week |
| an open stall, often on a street, where newspapers and magazines are on sale to the public |
| a retail business selling newspapers, magazines, and stationery; a stationer; the proprietor of such a business |
| a male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round |
| that which passes, flows, or is sent out; the daily issue of a newspaper |
| a commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar |
| a story, report, or opinion piece in a newspaper, magazine, journal, internet etc |
| the part of a newspaper which tells people about current events in sports |
| a recurring feature in a newspaper, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme |
| one whose occupation is journalism, originally only writing in the printed press; a reporter, who professionally does live reporting on news and current events |
press['prɛs](uncountable noun)
- a collective term for the print based media (both the people and the newspapers)
- This article appeared in the press.
popular press(uncountable noun)
- a collective term for the sensationalist tabloid newspapers
- Celebrities' weddings always appear in the popular press.
newspaper, newspapers[ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə](noun)
- a publication, usually published daily or weekly and usually printed on cheap, low-quality paper, containing news and other articles
- Do you read any newspapers?
regional newspaper, regional newspapers(noun)
- a newspaper that publishes things in and about a certain region
- There are quite a few regional newspapers around here.
national newspaper, national newspapers(noun)
- a newspaper which publishes national events
- Which national newspaper do you read?
daily newspaper, daily newspapers(noun)
- a newspaper which is published daily
- I didn't subscribe to a daily newspaper.
weekly newspaper, weekly newspapers(noun)
- a newspaper which comes out once a week
- Do you know any weekly newspaper that I could subscribe to?
newsstand, newsstands[n(j)uːzstænd](noun)
- an open stall, often on a street, where newspapers and magazines are on sale to the public
- Where can I find the next newsstand?
newsagent, newsagents['n(j)uːzeɪ.ʤɛnt](noun)
- a retail business selling newspapers, magazines, and stationery; a stationer; the proprietor of such a business
- He used to be a newsagent.
paperboy, paperboys[ˈpeɪpəbɔɪ](noun)
- a male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round
- The paperboy works early in the morning.
issue, issues[ˈɪs.ju](noun)
- that which passes, flows, or is sent out; the daily issue of a newspaper
- Have you read today's issue yet?
advertisement, advertisements[ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt](noun)
- a commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar
- Companies try to sell their products using advertisements in the form of placards, television spots and print publications.
article, articles[ˈɑːtɪkəl](noun)
- a story, report, or opinion piece in a newspaper, magazine, journal, internet etc
- The reporter's first article was very well received.
sports section, sports sections(noun)
- the part of a newspaper which tells people about current events in sports
- My husband only reads the sports section of the newspaper.
column, columns[ˈkɒləm](noun)
- a recurring feature in a newspaper, especially an opinion piece, especially by a single author or small rotating group of authors, or on a single theme
- His initial foray into print media was as the author of a weekly column in his elementary-school newspaper.
journalist, journalists[ˈdʒəːnəlɪst](noun)
- one whose occupation is journalism, originally only writing in the printed press; a reporter, who professionally does live reporting on news and current events
- She wants to work as a journalist.
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Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
press |
newspaper |
newsstand |
newsagent |
paperboy |
issue |
advertisement |
article |
column |
journalist |
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Word and Image
Tries: 0journalist | |
newsstand | |
paperboy | |
newspaper | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0national newspaper | a newspaper which publishes national events |
press | a collective term for the print based media (both the people and the newspapers) |
newsagent | a retail business selling newspapers, magazines, and stationery; a stationer; the proprietor of such a business |
sports section | the part of a newspaper which tells people about current events in sports |
advertisement | a commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar |
paperboy | a male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round |
popular press | a collective term for the sensationalist tabloid newspapers |
daily newspaper | a newspaper which is published daily |
weekly newspaper | a newspaper which comes out once a week |
journalist | one whose occupation is journalism, originally only writing in the printed press; a reporter, who professionally does live reporting on news and current events |
article | a story, report, or opinion piece in a newspaper, magazine, journal, internet etc |
issue | that which passes, flows, or is sent out; the daily issue of a newspaper |
regional newspaper | a newspaper that publishes things in and about a certain region |
newspaper | a publication, usually published daily or weekly and usually printed on cheap, low-quality paper, containing news and other articles |
newsstand | an open stall, often on a street, where newspapers and magazines are on sale to the public |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | one whose occupation is journalism, originally only writing in the printed press; a reporter, who professionally does live reporting on news and current events |
| an open stall, often on a street, where newspapers and magazines are on sale to the public |
| a male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round |
| a publication, usually published daily or weekly and usually printed on cheap, low-quality paper, containing news and other articles |